Sunday, August 10, 2008

“The wait is over” almost

I finally got my test results from my last 3 month A1c check. Whenever I have this lab work done my A1c gets checked along with all the usual checks that go along with the A1c plus my cholesterol. My cholesterol problems date back further than my diagnosis with diabetes, my Dr had been harping, er uh advising me for quite some time that I needed to work on getting my cholesterol numbers in the ranges that they should be. When I was diagnosed with diabetes my Dr also started me on meds to get my cholesterol in control. When I started taking meds for my cholesterol my triglycerides were over 3000, here it is a little over a year later and they are now down to 587, still to high but much lower than were I started. My new Dr doesn’t think that they are coming down fast enough so he has added another med for me to take to help lower them quicker.

I suppose at this point you might be thinking the same thing that I was at the time of the call from my Dr. Ok, I need to lower my triglycerides and all of my other tests came back mostly normal, so what about my A1c?

Evidently 587 on triglycerides is the magic number that will not allow your blood sugars to be checked, or at least the Dr said that they could not check my A1c because my triglyceride numbers were to high. Makes me wonder how they found out that my A1c was at 7.8 with my triglycerides being over 3000?

As the title to this post says, the wait is almost over, three more months and I will know my A1c, that is of course if my triglycerides are at anything except that magic 587.