Thursday, May 8, 2008

Expensive forgetfulnes

When I got home from work tonight it was time to remove the transmitter on my cgms and charge the battery. I just passed day 12 on this sensor and needed to remove the transmitter and charge it, I can then plug the transmitter back into the sensor and trick the cgms into thinking that I have installed a new sensor. It is a necessity for me to get the most life out of my sensor that I can, they cost $35.00 each. It is recommended to change these sensors every three days, since I pay for them out of my own pocket I keep them in for as long as they work correctly.

Anyhow enough of the back ground information and back to my main subject.

I removed my transmitter and plugged it into the charger. I stuck a band-aid on the sensor to hold it in place, this helps keep the sensor in place until I plug the transmitter back into it and cover it with a big piece of IV 3000. I was then setting there thinking I should go outside and feed the cats. I went outside and found that the kids had already fed the cats and I saw the riding mowers setting there and thought I should sharpen the blades and get them ready to mow this weekend. So off I went, I removed all of the blades and sharpened them, cleaned the decks and greased everything that needed greased. When I was done with the mowers I thought, if I were to do the weed eating now, then when I get home tomorrow I can start mowing right away. Since to mow everything that I mow takes about 8hrs it seemed like a good idea to get started now. I finished the weed eating and went into the house to take a shower, when I took my shirt off I realized my sensor was setting there in the wide open, the band-aid had fallen off and the sensor area was covered with dirt, not good, not good at all. I went about cleaning up the sensor area as good as I could without moving the sensor. I then plugged the transmitter back in and covered it with the IV.

Long story short, I may have just toasted another sensor by forgetting about it while I went about the daily chores of life.

Very expensive forgetfulness indeed.